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Cute Condo Bathroom Remodel II

EAST COBB: We were referred to this client (we love referrals) and did a lot of improvements...two bathrooms (here's one of them), the kitchen, all ceilings, recessed lights every where, floors, painting, trim the works. 

To the left is the mast bedroom with a tub...old 80's floor plan. 

The homeowner wanted the tub replaced with a shower and the opening closed in some. 

Here's the bathroom gutted and cleaned....

We're framing things in to reduce the opening. 

Here it is!!! But there's more....

The homeowner's mum had this nice dresser that has sentimental value to both ladies and by pure luck it fit the space perfectly. 

Here it is!!! Looks awesome!!

The pic is little dark b/c not all lights were up... but you can see the progress.

This is the opposite wall..a niche and a sitting corner. 

If you look you can see that this toilet is too close to the tub....not centered. 

Well we fixed that too. We couldn't redo this bathroom and not move the toilet. 

The finished product!!!

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